@授業の評価 A @でそのように回答した理由 B特に印象が残った点 C講義に対する感想,意見,
5 ・社会科学の論文について,科学的に検討する練習になったから.
・もう少し英語での discussion ができると嬉しいです.
5 この授業を通して,論文の読み方と分析の仕方がよく分かるようになった.
5 論文を読んで,その科学性(正当性?)について議論することで,論理を意識して読むことと,それが正しかったか検証することができたから. 分化と統合の論文を読んで,内容がよく分からなかったこと. 留学生もいる中で,もう少し議論が活発になるとおもしろかったと思う.
5 This course makes the quantitative research become clear to me. Teacher explains very carefully for us. The discussion about the papers. Make the topics related with students' own research theme. Maybe it is difficult.
5 Have gained new ideas and inspirational concets from this course. The course pointed out a new way to look at the academic world.  
4 Most of the time, I did not understand Japanese explanations. I found some impressive paper that can give me some suppoert to the ideas for my research. During this period, most of the papers reviewed were about leadership. I would like to see another tupes of papers as well. (specially related to case studies).
4 I think the contents of the class, the preparation and time management of professor are all good.
But my Japanese language level is not goo, so I'm not satisfied with myself.
The combination of lecture and empirical study is very helpful for me to understand the concepts. The class is very good. I'l like to recommend to other students.
3 In my opinion, content of the course was enough well complete, and the classes were very complete in terms of kiterature analysis and explanation. For foreign students is challenging because [unreadable] are not available. For use, it's very difficult to follow the explanations. Good preparation made by the [unreadable] in terms of [unreadable] materual. No big opinions in terms for improvements. Although, [unreadable]
平均4.5 ※評価軸は,1(不満足),2(やや不満足),3(どちらでもない),4(やや満足),5(満足)
講師からのコメント ■コメントからわかるように,今年は受講生のほとんどが留学生で,日本人は2人しかいませんでした.そういう意味で,今年は完全英語化に向けた試金石でしたが,現実のところはディスカッションも英語での参加を可能とした一方で,レクチャーは日本語のままに終わりました.